
Personal injury cases rely heavily on proving negligence, and we accomplish that by conducting a thorough investigation of the incident, and then applying the appropriate legal statutes.

In almost any personal injury case, the injured party (plaintiff) must prove that the party that caused the injury (defendant) was negligent in doing so. To accomplish this, the plaintiff has to clearly show that the defendant had a “duty of care” and was in “breach” of that duty.

Duty of care can be succinctly described as the reasonable responsibility of one party or individual to not harm another. Once duty of care is established, plaintiff is then responsible for exhibiting precisely how the defendant breached that duty. The final step of proving negligence is to prove that this breach was a direct contributing factor in the injuries or damages sustained.

Common Types of Negligence Cases Include:

If you or a loved one have been injured or suffered property damage as a result of another individual’s or party’s negligence, we are here to help. Please contact Hossley & Embry today by calling (866) 522-9265 or fill out our free case evaluation form; and we will be in touch promptly. We offer free consultations, and we have the resources available (including charter aircraft) to travel throughout Texas and the United States on short notice to investigate your potential claim.